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We like to provide you with as many resources as possible to help you find the quality child care you are looking for. There are four main resources for finding child care providers in the Fort Collins area:
Fort Collins Partners
in Childcare
Fort Collins Partners In Childcare Referral Line: (970) 225-3018
Early Childhood Council of Larimer County Child Care Resource and Referral
(970) 377-3388 ext 4 for referral line or ecclc.org
Colorado Shines
Colorado Shines is a website that helps families find quality child care offering a list of all licensed providers in Colorado and their program ratings
Every Need Matters
For the hearing impaired or non-English speakers we encourage email use or providing your own translator. There are providers in this area to meet every need and we hope to help you find the one just right for your family!
For children with disabilities or concerns about delays, Foothills Gateway is a great place to start and an awesome resource. Foothills works with the Colorado Early Intervention Program to help children birth through 3 years old get help when they need it- EARLY. They also work alongside many other programs which can help get you on the right path, getting you connected to the programs that will benefit your child most.